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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lighten up

There comes a time when you realize not everyone shares your perverse sense of humor, as the following exchange fully demonstrates.

K went to pick up EB from her school last week and had the following exchange with EB’s teacher.

Teacher: “I had to put EB on timeout today.”
K (with concern): “What happened?”
Teacher: “When the kids were lining up to go outside, EB wanted to be the ‘line leader’, so she wrestled the boy standing in front.”
K:  “Did she win?”
Teacher (stunned, speechless)

I thought K’s comment was pretty darned funny. And for the record, K was absolutely kidding; he knows that EB’s behavior was unacceptable, and he heavily reprimanded her. But heck, sometimes, people just have to lighten up.


  1. Ha. Good for K. -- Mark would have wanted to know the same thing too.

  2. And that is part of the reason why K and Mark get along so well!

  3. I like the fact that a young age EB is already demonstrating that girls DO NOT have to take a back seat to boys and if you want something go for it.

  4. Katie -- she definitely goes for what she wants! She's a strong-willed little girl (too strong, I fear sometimes).
