About Me

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I've been feeling rather cranky this week, so this will be a crotchety post about my top pet peeves. So here we go:

Elevator talk.
I generally prefer the stairs to elevators because I. Hate. Elevator. Talk. This is how it goes each time, without fail.
Random person: "Hi."
Me: "Hi."
Random person: "Phhew. Another busy day."
Me: "Yes. Ugh. But at least it's Tuesday." (Or replace with "Wednesday" or "Thursday." If it's a Monday, I roll my eyes and say: "I knoww…and it's only Monday." Or if it's a Friday: "Yes! But at least it's Friday!")
Random person: "Yup, better than Monday." (Or if it's Monday: "Well it's almost over." Or if it's a Friday: "Yes, thank God.")
Me: "Yup."

And speaking of days of the week...

Facebook status updates that mainly talk about days of the week. 
You are guilty of this offense if two of your last five status updates include the following: "Ugh, Monday", "Got over the hump", "One more day till Friday!" or "TGIF!" I know what day of the week it is, no need to inform me (or everyone else for that matter). You know who you are, so just cut it out. Please.

Multiple question marks and/or exclamation points 
Ever get emails/instant messages with a lot of these??????? It really irritates me!!!!!!!!! And when folks mix things up a bit with ???!!!???!!! I take cover, because I'm convinced that they're about to jump out of the computer and clobber me, so crazy and angry they sound.

More than two bumper stickers on your car.
For some reason I always find myself driving behind people who like to make lots of statements. One or two bumper sticker is fine, but I don't need to know your political affiliation, that your kid is in the honor roll, your favorite basketball, football, roller derby team, that you ran 26.2 miles, 13.1 miles, 1.37 miles and the five different causes you promote. I know you're an interesting person, but for the sake of all that's good, please find a different avenue to share your passions.

That is all. The end.


  1. More pet peeve fun about emails! http://theoatmeal.com/comics/email

  2. Mandy, that was great. I especially loved the loooonnnggg email signature.
