About Me

Monday, June 15, 2015

This Little Guy

Throughout EB's toddler-hood, I was diligent about recording her little sayings and EB-isms. B, on the other hand, has been a victim of being the second child. There have been so very little posts on all of the cute little things that my darling little boy has uttered. Not to mention the fact that I need to build more ammunition that I can pull out to embarrass him when he reaches his teenage years. So, here it a brief compilations of B at three.

B's favorite color. Ever since he was two, he has been very particular about his favorite color. The color of sunshine, or as he would call it:  “Ye-wow.”  Here is B in his favorite hat. Favorite jacket. Cowboy hat. Favorite car. All ye-wow.

And recently, he announced: “Mommy, I want to have a big, ye-wow, race car party for my birthday!”

Learning and using grown-up phrases. B definitely benefits from having an older sibling by learning to use rather grown-up phrases. Ever since he was barely three, he was able to use rather adult phrases in right context. Example:

Me: “B, you need to come and wash your hands.” -- Me
B: “No, Mommy, I’m gooood!”

Concept of time. In B's world, there are only three sets of times:
1. Today: something that happens in the next few minutes. e.g.
     B: Can we go to the park?
     Me: Yes, later.
     B (with his shoes on): I'm ready!
     Me: I said later.
     B (whining): But you said I can go to-day!

2. Yesterday: anything that happens before that moment. it doesn't matter if it happened a year ago or an hour ago; it's all yesterday to B.

3. Tomorrow: anything that happens after the moment.

Trying to talk like the Brits. He heard the phrase "ta-ta" on one of the TV shows, and thought it was the most hilarious thing ever said. So much so that he started using the phrase. Except instead of saying "ta-ta," he says "tee-tee".

Till next time; tee-tee for now.