About Me

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sarah and Sandra

Sometimes my conversations with K are random and utterly pointless -- just like many of my blog postings. Here's an example of a recent random, pointless conversation that's materialized into yet another random, pointless blog posting.

Me: "They had a segment about Sarah Bernhardt on NPR today. They were talking about how she died, and at first I thought they were talking about Sandra Bernhard. Can you imagine? I thought Sandra Bernhard had died."
If Sandra Bullock &
Sandra Bernhard had a love child...

K (over the sound of the dishwasher): "Sandra Bernhard is dead?"

Me: "No, Sarah Bernhardt."

K: "You mean the silent film actress?"

Me: "Yeah, I guess so. Sarah Bernhardt and Sandra Bernhard--easy to mix up."

K: "It's easy to mix up Sarah Bernhardt, Sandra Bernhard and Sandra Bullock."

Me: "Yep. You think one of them would've changed her name or something, to limit confusion."

K: "So...she didn't die then?"

Me: "Who, Sandra Bullock?"

K: "No, Sarah Bernhardt."

Me: "Wait, is that the comedian or the silent film actress? I'm all confused now."

K: "The comedian."

Me: "Oh. No. I guess not."

1 comment:

  1. Having had similar and countless conversations with K this blog made me laugh and for some odd reason I pictured you on Henry Street in the living room/dining room and K hovering over the dishwasher in the kitchen/living room. Of course it was 9,000 degrees and very dark.
